Mount Bromo Camping Milky Way Tour

Mount Bromo Camping Milky Way. Mount Bromo is an active volcano located in East Java. It is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Indonesia and offers many ways to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can also travel to Mount Bromo by camping at Kingkong Hill, which is one of the best places for camping and views of the milky way in Indonesia.

Mount Bromo Camping Milky Way Tour

Mount Bromo Camping Milky Way

Mount Bromo Camping Milky Way is a vacation for camping around Mount Bromo and witnessing the beauty of the Milky Way at night. There is no camping equipment available in this area, so it is possible to bring your own camping equipment or by booking a Bromo tour package that provides this special tour because all facilities have been provided as on the website.

Camping Locations in Bromo

You can camp anywhere around Bromo as long as you are not in the danger zone. A danger zone is an area where there are many volcanic vents spewing toxic gases that can cause severe burns if touched while you sleep at night or even during the day when they are active.

Temperature In Bromo

Temperatures in the Bromo area vary depending on location and season. The average temperature in the villages around Mount Bromo is 20 to 22 degrees Celsius during the day and 6 to 10 degrees Celsius at night.

In general, it is cooler at night than during the day due to lower solar radiation. During the rainy season months (February to April), sometimes thunderstorms and heavy rains occur which usually cause landslides or flash floods that make it difficult for tourists to go to other tourist attractions such as the Tumpak Sewu waterfall.

Best time to Stargazing by Camping in Bromo

The best time to camp at Bromo for milky way is from April to October, because during this period the weather is more dominant and the stars look beautiful at night.

Camping Mount Bromo can be done with family or friends. Mount Bromo’s most famous viewpoint is Kingkong Hill. This is the best location for camping and seeing the Milky Way.

There are many ways to experience the magic of Mount Bromo, but the most important thing is that you take the trip! The best time to visit is between April and October. The Milky Way will be visible at night during this period, so if you plan on camping or climbing Kingkong Hill (one of the highest points on Mount Bromo), it’s best to do so in the afternoon so that you can see the view of Mount Bromo from your bed before going to bed.

Itinerary Tour Bromo Camping Milky Way

Day 1 : Pick up point – Suttle Jeep Area – Campsite at kingkong Hill

  • Welcome to Surabaya
  • Our staff will pick up you and transfer to transit point jeep in bromo area
  • Drive to kingkong hill around 30 minutes by jeep 4wd
  • Set up tend and rest prepare milky way at night
  • Enjoy milky way time.

Day 2 : Bromo Sunrise – Hike to Mount Bromo – Transit point Jeep – Drop off

  • Wake up early in the morning
  • Prepare view sunrise tour from campsite
  • Packing and transfer to sea of sand use jeep 4wd.
  • Hike to mount bromo crater (optional : riding horse)
  • Back to transit point and transfer back to Surabaya
  • Tour finished.

The Price Bromo Camping Milky Way

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We hope you will enjoy Mount Bromo Camping Milky Way. If you prefer to stay closer to the city and take advantage of some of the other attractions such as seeing the waterfalls ,volcanoes and temples, then go there during the day.

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