Malang to Bromo Distance

Malang to Bromo Distance – Malang is one of the cities that is a transit location for tourists going to Bromo. The distance from this city is so close that it only takes around 1.5-2 hours to drive depending on where the trip starts. Apart from Surabaya to Bromo, Malang is also a city that is the easiest and closest choice of departure to Mount Bromo.

Malang to Mount Bromo Distance

From the city of Malang there are several ways to go to Bromo to see the charm of the beauty of the sunrise. The method most often used by tourists from Malang is to rent a jeep with pick-up directly from Malang city which departs at midnight so you no longer need to rent a hotel/inn around Bromo.

Malang to Mount Bromo Distance

If seen via Google Maps, the distance from Malang to Bromo is only 35 km closer than the distance from Surabaya Bromo Tour. Even though the distance is closer to Malang, it doesn’t mean that tourists who are already in Surabaya have to go to Malang first because if so it means your distance will be further. There is the closest route from Surabaya to Bromo via Pasuruan or Probolinggo.

From Malang, you only need a jeep to go straight to Bromo because the distance is close, but if you are afraid of getting tired because it takes too long to drive a jeep over extreme terrain, you can choose an alternative Bromo tour packages from Malang.

The distance is not that far, only 35 km, but due to road conditions it could take longer.

Easy Way to Bromo

Mount Bromo is the most famous tourist attraction in East Java. This active volcano can be reached from 3 gates. The closest distance from Malang city to Bromo is the Coban Trisula Malang gate.

Allows you to pass through the Wonokitri Pasuruan gate or Cemara Lawang Probolinggo gate if the Coban Trisula Malang gate route for jeep rent or Bromo online ticket is fully booked.

An easy way to reach Mount Bromo is to rent a transportation service in Malang. The transportation you can choose varies, some just rent a jeep in Malang or car rental or Use travel that will take you to Bromo complete with facilities. is a travel service to Bromo that you can trust.

Contact us here for the costs of our tour packages.

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The moment most awaited by tourists in Bromo is the sunrise. Departures start from Malang city between 12-1 am and don’t be late so you can enjoy this beauty.

A tiring trip to Bromo will be relieved when you see firsthand the charm of the natural beauty of Mount Bromo.